

First COST Action TD1002 Summer School, Marcoule, France 29 August - 2 September 2011

This first Summer School was associated with AFMBioMed Summer School Marcoule 2011.

The School offers an introduction to Atomic Force Microscopy in Life Sciences and Medicine for Ph.D student, post-docs or young scientists. Lectures in the morning are complemented by hands-on experiments in the afternoon. There are about 20 places for students doing hands-on experiments. These places will be given preferentially to European students. Participants are encouraged to send a CV and a motivation letter. AFM beginners are welcome.

The school welcomed 26 trainees coming from 12 countries: Belgium, Croatia, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Norway, Poland, Romania, Spain, Switzerland, UK and 14 instructeurs.

10 travel grants were given by COST Action TD 1002.

For complementary info, please visit AFMBioMed Summer School Marcoule 2011 website.

Flyer Summer School

Please download and post the flyer for the Summer School.